About Us

We work with your team to create the perfect swag strategy for your brand.

Who is Hoot Promo?

Think of us as an extension of your marketing, human resources, or events team. With close to a decade of industry experience working on custom swag strategies across multiple industries, we’ve done the legwork for you so you can focus on what’s most important—running and growing your business.
Custom branded swag from Hoot Promo
Custom branded swag from Hoot Promo

Our goal

Our team strives to make things simple by helping our clients focus on what’s most important — running and growing your business.

Simplifying the Promo World

We took the feedback from our customers over the years with the one aim — to simplify the swag ordering process. We wanted to move away from the overwhelming and complicated process of having to look through the million types of swag items out there (you can only look at so many pens and mugs!).
Custom branded swag from Hoot Promo
Custom branded swag from Hoot Promo

Easy Order Swag Packages

We’ve curated only the best products that are vetted and quality tested to help you achieve your goal of promoting your brand, event, product, service and team, all hassle-free.

The Hoot Promo Guarantee


New and Fresh Products

Curated library of the hottest products from trusted suppliers we have tested for quality.


Easy Ordering

Swag meets productivity. Our packages are premade for your review, but also customizable. Pick from our short-list of products, all with the aim of saving you the time of going through the millions of products on the market.


Creative Design Assistance

Free modification of your logo and design assets


Here for YOU

From planning your promotional strategy to selecting the swag that fits your image and budget, our dedicated customer service representatives are always here and ready to help. Success for us means making your brand look great!


Satisfaction Guaranteed

To learn more about how Hoot Promo can help with your promotional strategy, contact your Hoot Representative.


Toronto-based Company

Proud to be from the Six! We love this city and its talented local companies that have a lot to offer. We are honoured to be a part of the growing network of entreprenuers and businesses and are here to help you achieve your goals.

Hoot Promo is trusted by brands
across industries

We’re here to make your brand stand out.